Redness in the skin is something that all of us will experience throughout our lives in one form or another, and can be brought on by a whole host of different causes. It doesn’t just affect us at a surface level either, it can take a serious toll on mental health. Spotting your triggers is the first step in finding the best treatment to take control of your stressed-out skin. Here are just a few common issues that might be contributing to your redness flare-ups:

ROSACEA & COUPEROSE - This is a long-term skin condition caused by enlarged blood vessels in the face that create the appearance of flushed, red skin. The root cause is unknown, but common triggers include exercise, sun exposure, spicy food and alcohol. Some cases are even accompanied by broken capillaries, or Spider Veins. Using skincare products that are designed to reduce inflammation will help you calm the storm in your skin and soothe your flushing.

BLEMISHES - We’re all too familiar with those unwanted blemishes that pop up on our face from time to time. This is caused by excess oils, dead skin cells and bacteria that create inflammation in the skin, resulting in red, painful bumps on the surface. Cleansing your skin twice a day can help keep pores clear and reduce the risk of acne and blemishes developing. Some more severe cases might require medication to help clear, so speak to a professional aesthetician or GP if you’re concerned.

IRRITATION & ALLERGIES - Struggling with sensitive skin? Your skin can become red and itchy when it comes into contact with certain irritants. This can include clothing, detergents, body products and skincare. In extreme cases, this could present itself as an allergic reaction in the skin (contact dermatitis), resulting in hives, itching, dry skin and blisters. If you’ve noticed a flare-up, try keeping track of what products you’ve used recently so that you can identify your own individual triggers.

MEDICATION - If you’ve just started a new course of treatment and noticed an unwanted change in your skin, then your medication could be the culprit. Antibiotics, steroids and other medical treatments can cause redness through allergic reactions, side effects, or hypersensitivity. Speak to your GP about any concerns you have regarding the effect of your medication on your skin - they may be able to suggest an alternative for you to try. 

SUN EXPOSURE - We all know that sun protection is super important if we want to avoid skin damage and sun burns. Keeping skin protected from UV rays can help keep redness at bay, as well as protecting from developing more sinister conditions such as melanoma. Some people experience redness and flushing as a result of heat, so while you might have your SPF layered on thick, the sunny weather could still be having an impact on your skin. Keep skin cool and topped up with SPF to avoid unwanted flushing and inflammation. 

Ready to put redness to bed? The Anti-Redness Range is formulated with naturally-active ingredients that work to target the causes of redness in the skin, while prebiotic ingredients feed the microbiome for the long-term maintenance of your skin health. Chicory Root Extract (Inulin) is a powerful prebiotic ingredient that feeds the good bacteria in the microbiome, over-powering the bad bacteria and balancing the skin’s protective microbiome barrier.